Weedons Ross Rd, West Melton, Christchurch

Club Contacts

Track Address 1256 Weedons Ross Rd, West Melton. Opposite West Melton Air field.

Postal Address PO Box 37176, Halswell Christchurch 8245

Email: info.moorepark@gmail.com

President Michael Provost ph 0274 326 373

Vice President Wayne Bryce ph 027 411 8718

Secretary Anna Chappell ph 027 5114 915

Treasurer Marion Aldridge ph 021 207 3960

Sidecar Rep Nic Case ph 027 953 8886

Solo Rep Andy Aldridge ph 022 100 2761

Flat Track rep Tony Cutler ph 021 981 753

Junior Solo Rep Kurt Rhees ph 021 144 6177
For enquiries please fill out the form below.

If you are having trouble entering the letters just use the email link at the bottom of the page. Thank you.